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86 News


exe, abriter, 08.2013

Shelters is the theme of this special edition of the french magazine exe. One of the projects shown here is the canopy of the archeological excavation in St-Maurice.
mehr Projekte von Savioz Laurent
mehr Projekte von Fabrizzi Claude


WOOD. Architetecture now!, 07.2013

The second volume of the wood edition of Architecture now! is out. Two projects of the Sion based architectes saviozfabrizzi are presented
mehr Projekte von Savioz Laurent
mehr Projekte von Fabrizzi Claude


espaces contemporains, 04.2013

A special about Geneva is presented in the april-may edition of the magazine. The cover ist the housing Meyrin from George Addor.
mehr Projekte von Pictet Charles
mehr Projekte von Aeby Perneger
mehr Projekte von Addor George


Carte blanche 11, 04.2013

On 23.4.2013 the new carte blanche 11 will be opened in the forum d'architecture de Lausanne.


Habiter printemps 2013, 04.2013

In this spring-edition the house Magliocco of the Sion based architects saviozfabrizzi is presented
mehr Projekte von Savioz Laurent
mehr Projekte von Fabrizzi Claude


Le temps, architecture & design, 03.2013

The supplement architecture and design of the newspaper Le temps is presenting the extension of aHousing of the Geneva based architect Pierre-Alain Dupraz       
mehr Projekte von Dupraz Pierre-Alain


VISO 2, 03.2013

Materials and Durability is the theme of this VISO-edition. Among other projects the house of the Lausanne based architects Galletti Matter is presented,
mehr Projekte von Galletti Matter


Detail, Building for children, 03.2013

This edition is dedicated to schools and kindergardens. Among others the Childcare Centre in Sierre from Giorla & Trautmann is presented.more.......
mehr Projekte von Giorla Trautmann


Architecture now! Houses, 02.2013

The third volume of the houses of the Taschenverlag is presenting amongst many other houses the chalet Les Diablerets of Charles Pictet.
mehr Projekte von Pictet Charles


industrieBAU, 01.2013

The new productionbuilding in Ulm/Germany is the cover of the January edition. The architecture is from ATP Architekten Ingenieure    
mehr Projekte von ATP Architekten Ingenieure


Batir, Vue sur le lac, 01.2013

The coverphotograph is from the housing Route des Falaises in Neuchâtel. The architecture is from Manini Pietrini
mehr Projekte von Manini Pietrini


Monography JB Ferrari & Associés, 12.2012

On 22.11.2012 the new book of Jean Baptiste Ferrari & Associés is presented in the Jazzzschool EJMA in Lausanne.
mehr Projekte von Ferrari Jean Baptiste

86 News